San Diego, CA based Save-a-Life Educators called upon Mophilly Technology, Inc for the third time to re-engineer their online training and service offerings.
Vicki Igou, CEO of Save-A-Life Educators, Inc. has always been passionate about empowering people to feel confident to Save A Life. The company motto is “The Best CPR, AED, & First-Aid Training in San Diego”, which is backed up with Ms. Igou’s many years of experience as a fire fighter, first responder and exemplary customer service.
Save-A-Life delivers high quality health and safety education and training, while empowering students to deal with emergency situations with safety and confidence.
In 2002, Ms. Igou approached Mophilly when they needed custom software tailored to fit their business needs exactly. The result was a ground breaking online video training system for the web.
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Jacques Zemron will demonstrate the Molu Software Update service to the French Omnis Developers meeting under way today and tomorrow. Molu Software Update is a web service that provides quick and timely updates of applications written in Omnis Studio from TigerLogic. The service enables the applications to add and update code, database and related files, as well as providing the developer with end user access control.

TigerLogic is presenting the newest tools and features of the Omnis Studio 5.2 application development suite to the group. A major feature of this presentation is the new jsClient tools, which allows developers to build new application for all HTML5 capable devices. jsClient opens the mobile world to Omnis-based applications and provides a competitive edge for new and current developers.

Alan has been working hard on upgrading his application to Omnis Studio v5, which is all unicode. Part of this effort is to update the Omnis Data Bridge Administration Tool to support Mac OS X Lion.

You can download the latest by logging onto the issue tracker. Once there, set the Project Selector to the ODB Admin Tool project, and click on Docs.

Add comments and questions to issue 2474. Add new issues for bugs and feature request.

This is a community project. If you use the ODB Admin Tool, please contribute fixes, features and documentation so everyone benefits.

Arizona’s most eclectic book store selected Mophilly to elaborate the company’s unique customer loyalty system, built upon their legendary customer service. We delighted to be invited to work with the great staff there. if you have never been to Bookmans, make time for a visit. You won’t be disappointed.

Alan Schmidt, technical master mind behind Connected Accounting, selected Mophilly Technology as a prime development partner for his company’s mobile initiative. The preview of the first modules received very positive feedback at the MacWorld show in January 2011.

For more information about Connected Accounting, please visit the AccountTek website.