Focus on the solution, not on the problem.

Jim Rohn
More than just programming, Mophilly is an Ecology of smart, Experienced people and Sophisticated tools that Consumes business problems and generates IT Solutions.


Yet Mophilly is a lean system, Mophilly adds technologies and sources smart talent as needed. Mophilly is always evolving. We adapt our skill set to your challenge. We are not trying to sell you our one product nor have you pay dividends nor furnish an executive suite.


Centered on enterprise software development RAD (Rapid Application Development) using Omnis Studio and related tools. It’s the best solution we have found. We also build and sell our own Mophilly Application Foundation, a framework for speeding business software development.


Currently, Mophilly is building an assortment mobile apps of iOS (iPhone, iPad) and multiplatform apps. The new mobile technology is a powerful business solution and an opportunity that must be considered. Visit our Mobile Computing page to see what we are doing now.


This is an exciting technology for small business that is becoming affordable and Mophilly is building it’s own RFID hardware. Have a look at our RFID page.

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