– Each installation of the VDA desktop application requires a license number.
– Upon launch the VDA desktop application registers the license number with Mophilly.
– Any installation can be “un-registered”. This is not built into the application but can be handled by Mophilly for you.
– License numbers not registered can be used with another installation.

You can retire machines and “move” the license to a new one via the registration process.

If you use a registered license number for a new installation, the application will alert you and quit. If you think the license number should be available, Mophilly can check the registration system to see if it is in use. If it is, we can deactivate the registration so the installation can complete the registration process.

When you launch the application the license number is validated with the registration system. If the license number is registered to a different machine, the application will alert you and quit. Please call Mophilly if that occurs.

How to identify the error

Loads that have already been delivered keep showing up in the Select Loads screen of the mobile app when you Refresh from Dispatch.

What it means

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Use the new Vehicle Tracker tool before contacting support. It is located on a new tab of the Vehicle Details window. 

Now whenever you look up a vehicle, you can see where it is in the delivery process using the Vehicle Tracker. Before contacting tech support about a vehicle problem, please check the Vehicle Tracker display first to see if you can figure out where it is.

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It can be done any time after we have received the ASN record. It can be done either from the Vehicle Locator using the Set Priority Level option or it can be done from the Vehicle Details window using the Priority Item (No/Yes/Hot) radio buttons.

How to identify the error

Loads that have already been delivered keep showing up in the Select Loads screen of the mobile app when you Refresh from Dispatch.

What it means

One of the loads that you delivered in the past is not recorded as fully delivered in the system. It may be that an exception came in and was not dealt with, so that even though the driver delivered the load one of the vehicles is still not delivered. When this happens, new loads that the driver picks up are added to the last run, and the vehicles from the last run(s) will continue to show up in the phone.

What to do about it

Get one or more of the load numbers that keep showing up in the driver’s phone. In the desktop app, go to Payroll/Run Details, do a Find on that Load number. Open the Run, if this is the correct problem then you will see vehicles from several loads in the “Vehicles Delivered” list.

Now you have to examine the loads to see which one (or more than one) is still in the EnRoute state. Click “Modify” on the Run window, click on a line for a vehicle from one of the loads and click the “View Load” button. In the Load Details window, check the load status in the upper-right corner. If it’s EnRoute, this load must be Delivered before the Run can be Closed.

Deliver the vehicles in the load that are not yet delivered (or if it’s actually enroute, wait for the driver to deliver it). This should automatically close the Run, but if it does not then click Modify on the Run Detail window again and change the Run Status to Closed.

Now the driver can go into their phone, do Refresh from Dispatch, and see no vehicles assigned to them.

From the Vehicle Locator window, there is a button labeled “Add Vehicle Hold”.

When vehicles are located and displayed in the “Search Results” list, selecting one or more of the vehicles in the list and selecting the “Add Vehicle Hold” button will begin the process of setting the selected vehicles on-hold.

For each group, a dialog will appear to enter the details for that groups hold. For example, if there are Ford, GM, Chrysler and Honda vehicles selected, a dialog will appear for the Chrysler vehicles. The details entered will be just for the selected Chrysler vehicles.

Then the user will be prompted if they want to report the Ford holds or not, and then they will get the Ford hold dialog to enter the hold properties for the selected Ford vehicles.

Then the GM, and then a dialog will appear for any other vehicles not in the previous groups.

The vehicles will be processed in the following order:

  1. Chrysler: Window used: wdAddVISTADelayTransaction
  2. Ford
    • Window used: wdAddFordDelayTransaction – if reported
    • Window used: wdAddVehicleHold – not reported
    • Ford vehicle holds have the option of being reported to the customer or not. If any Ford customer vehicles are selected, then the user will be prompted if they are to be reported. If they are, then Ford vehicle holds are created. If not, then “All Others” holds records will be created for the selected Ford customer vehicles.
  3. GM: Window used: wdAddGMDelayTransaction
  4. All Others: Window used: wdAddVehicleHold

Notes on Vehicle Hold

There are multiple Hold types in the system:

  • Vehicle Hold
  • Chrysler Hold
  • Ford Hold
  • GM Hold

For Chrysler and Ford you have to use the Chrysler or Ford hold type in order to be able to transmit the data back to the manufacturer. After adding or removing a Ford hold you must do the COPAC Delay and V.V. Delay exports in order to transmit the data back to the manufacturer. For Chrysler it is the VISTA 550 export that needs to be done.

The GM Hold only applies to direct communication with GM, where the actual contract is with GM. This would not apply to ShipCarsNow.

The regular Vehicle Hold is used for all other customers other than Chrysler, Ford and GM. These do not communicate the hold information back to the Customers.

Units are needing location, but the Order has location name already on it?

User has to update the dealer information in the order and in the customer file.

7P errors are due to someone not using the common location for the PASHA destination. If they do not use the common location and put the 7P in the Customer Location Code field of another record, it will report as a final delivery (F) and not as a Transfer (T).

Yes, any location can be used as either a pickup or drop-off location. The classification of Pickup Location or Dropoff Location only really indicates what it is most frequently used as to shorten the result lists when using the Location Locator when building orders.

Q: How would one tell if these are set up correctly?

A: Common Locations for OEMs usually use code table entries to specify their location identifiers (Port/Railhead Code, SPLC Code, etc).

There is no easy mechanism for putting a multiple leg move on hold. The easiest way to do this is to merge the Legs back together (can be done from the Legs tab of the Vehicle Details window) and then apply the hold.

Drivers should be Instructed to use the Bar Code from the vehicle as a source to collect the VIN if one is not available through the db. Last 8 should only be used in cases where you already have the entire VIN in the db and the driver is required to manually enter because a barcode on the vehicle is not available.

If there is NO BAR CODE on the vehicle AND your office does not already have the complete 17 character VIN in the db they regrettably in this rare case MUST enter the entire 17 characters manually through the mobile app.

Note: One important item about remarketed vehicles. It is VERY IMPORTANT that the driver is told to DOUBLE CHECK the VIN SCANNER to the VIN PLATE on the dash as a MUST MATCH. In the case of remarketed vehicles sometimes doors may be replaced and the replaced door VIN does NOT match the vehicle VIN.

It can be accessed from the mobile app’s Main Menu, and displays the following information.

  • App Version
    • This will be of the form “X.Y.Z (B)”, for example “0.2.0 (408)” for the version released on 4/15/2105. X.Y.Z is the version number we assign. B is the sequential build number assigned by the build server, and is what is normally used to distinguish which version we’re talking about.
  • OS Version
  • Dispatcher
    • The name of the Dispatcher, as shown in the login list (this is NOT the four-letter Dispatcher Code).
      WebService URL Tells you which database they’re talking to.
  • Driver Name
    • The user code the driver used to log in.
  • Truck Number
  • Truck Mileage

As new model information becomes available with a new model year, you will need to click the “Decode VIN” manually on VINs that are not automatically being decoded.

How to identify the error

Driver scans a barcode and it is not recognized.

What it means

This may be due to the bar code having extra characters, the most common example being a vertical bar character “|” appended to the front of the barcode

In addition, some rail tags have extra characters, different from the example above. One example is a barcode having “BAY-“ before the 17-character VIN.

What to do about it

Build 408 of the app ignores these extra characters, so the best course is to have the driver download the latest version of the app.
If for some reason they are unable to download the new version of the app right away, drivers can work around it by either selecting the barcode from the list or entering it manually instead of scanning.

For vehicles in Pending status that do not have the destination location set up in your system, please set up the locations manually.  To do this – You can update the locations for these orders manually as you set up the locations in one step. To update manually, search the order number, modify, click Select Origin, click New Dest., and add location from there.